Where to Start . . . How to Start
Starting on January 1st of 2019, I decided it was finally time to start putting in the work and actually start acting my goals. I no longer want to dream about starting my own side hustle. . . I am doing my side hustle. I spent practically all of 2017 and 2018 dreaming of what could be. In 2019, I finally started taking daily steps to actually deliver.
So it’s the middle of January and where am I and what I have achieved? First, I needed to prepare from a technological stand point to pursue my dreams. I have a ton of computers at home, but none can support the raw horsepower I need from a computer in order to write code, edit videos, stream, and travel with me. So the first thing I did was build myself a portable hackintosh. I’m currently finishing up writing those articles, but they will be published here as soon as I finish them. I’ve been putting off from starting to put in the work because I always told myself I didn’t have the proper equipment to get started. The first thing I wanted to do this year was tackle that challenge and rid myself of any excuses I had to not start. The hackintosh is perfect for everything I need to do in 2019.
Next, I decided that in order to remain accountable, I would have to document my process. So, over the last few days, I have taken to social media to post about my journey to creating the hackintosh. I also decided that I would document all of my 2019 ventures here on Medium! Most importantly, I want to grow and audience and hopefully entertain people along the way. I’ve been posting to Twitter and Instagram almost every day, but still have yet to build the brand that I want to build. This part is still not very clear in my mind as I want to accomplish so much, but at the same time I still haven’t put anything out for the world to benefit from. I think once I get some traction in the content I create, I’ll better be able to position my social media presence. But for now, it’s just me taking videos on my phone and posting to Instagram. I also pursue Gary Vee’s 1.80 strategy and try to engage with like minded people on Twitter. My thought is that doing this enough, will help build my initial audience that will only grow exponentially once the articles/tutorials/videos/content starts coming off the production line.
Getting to the actual point I’m trying to make. For two years, all I did was dream about pursuing my goals. In 2019, I just started. I woke up at 5 am and started documenting everything I wanted to accomplish. Shortly after that, I fired up my computer and just started to type. I’m done waiting for the stars to align. . . that will never happen. I’m done waiting to get the right equipment. I’m done waiting until I learn how to edit, draw, or think creatively. I’m just doing and publishing my work. I know it may be a little rusty but those people that will criticize my work will do so because they haven’t started to put in the work.
In a future post, I will document in detail everything that I plan to achieve in 2019. The list is overwhelming, but I’ve had two years to hash out the details. Most of the details have been thought about, now it’s time to simply EXECUTE!