Week 2 — More Plan B
Today we published our second Scratch tutorial. I love working with my wife and our schedules have had to change a bit in order to accommodate working on both plans. Let me tell you about how our mornings are going so far. We wake up around 5:30 but don’t actually get going until 6. This is one of the first things we want to improve on because our alarms start going off at 5 AM. But those blankets are so cozy. The last couple days have been dedicated to her recording the Scratch lesson and I’m reading the two books I’m reading. These two mornings have been more limited because we’ve been having to go work early in order to make up some time we missed on Monday. After the recording is done, we review it and then save everything. We get ready for work and then slave ourselves away for the next 10 hours.
I then have been getting home, hang out with my oldest son and then start editing the video from the morning while he plays minecraft. While the video is rendering and/or publishing, I play minecraft with him. It’s not ideal, but it works.
Tomorrow we plan on doing a lot of the same. We’ll begin recording project two and I really need to stop at the dollar tree to pick up the supplies I need for the project video. One of the things my wife and I were discussing this morning was to complement my Plan A and B strategies. For example, I would create a project video on how to make a motorized raft. This would be like my first project video, but we add a motor and some electronics (waterproof of course). Then on her channel, we post the in depth how to put the electronics together (wiring, etc) and programming logic. This would allow us to create a high level, entertaining, fun, and exciting video for the masses and a more in depth, technical deep dive of the video for those wanting to really learn how to create the project.
For now, we really just want to finish our focus on our commitments which include me publishing 25 project videos and her 10 Scratch tutorial videos. Once we’ve met those commitments, we plan on pivoting to our new strategy.
Stay tuned so you can keep up with our progress!!
Thanks for reading and see you tomorrow!