Thoughts About Burnout and Purpose
I completely forgot to post something yesterday. It’s not that I wasn’t working on anything, because I was but life gets a little hectic sometimes. Sunday was filled with making trips around the city to pick up supplies and food that I needed. I had to rotate my tires and edit a video or two. Let me tell you. . . there are not enough hours in a day to get everything done. And when there is enough time, sometimes you just want to sit down, watch a movie and relax for a bit.
I’ve been too scared to stop writing daily or making some sort of incremental progress towards my side hustles because I fear that if I stop . . . even just a moment, I’ll lose all the momentum that I’ve gained. I know myself and I know that over the last 7 years of trying to start this thing, if I stop just for a little bit, it takes months to get back on track. Well here I am on Monday morning and let me tell you something. It takes a tremendous amount of will power to get back up on that horse. I’m making every effort to make sure I don’t lose my motivation, momentum, or will to watch this succeed.
Now to catch you up on what’s going on and what I have planned for the week. We published only two more Scratch project videos over the weekend. We got one out on Friday which we recorded Friday morning and we got one out on Sunday which we recorded on Saturday morning. We recorded something Saturday evening which was supposed to be published on Sunday, but again that burnout got the best of my wife and I. I decided to just edit the Saturday video and get it posted on Sunday. This video has taken off to be one of our most viewed videos. Now, the numbers aren’t crazy high, but the momentum we are getting and the support from the community is really helping us continue to push every day to deliver content. Also this weekend, I recorded my project video for our Plan A hustle. I recorded everything and wrote a quick blog about it, but didn’t edit the video. In true procrastination form, the thought of this video being complicated has caused me to “sit” on it while I gather my thoughts. This is a great transition to talk about what we have lined up for this week.
First thing I’ll be doing is editing and publishing the 5th project video we’ve captured for Scratch. I really want to maximize the momentum we have with these videos and want to put out all 10 project videos by Sunday. This should be easy as we have 7 days in a week and only 5 project videos! Yay, we even built in a little break for us. Finishing these 10 project videos will be a major milestone for us because we will have finally finished something that we started without dragging it out for months or years.
Next thing will be to edit that 3rd project video for the Plan A hustle and then I’ll quickly start moving on to researching, capturing, and editing the 4th project. I’ve already read ahead and this project should be A LOT easier than the 3rd project so that should help.
So, to summarize. Editing and posting 2 videos for Plan A. Recording, editing, and posting 5 project videos for Plan B. Write about the grind for at least 6 days. I get that I want to post every day, but at the same time I want to provide value in what I’m writing. By taking a day off, I might be able to save you from some of the really boring aspects of running a side hustle.