Starting 2019 Off Right

Alex Ortiz
3 min readJan 2, 2019


In 2017, I decided that I was going to read a book every two weeks. While it was very challenging and at times difficult to make time, I was successfully read 25 books. 2018 was supposed to be the year that I applied what I learned in 2017 and finally start my own business. So, here I am on January 1st 2019 . . . and I haven’t done a single thing to act on that fantasy.

But, here I am, writing this article as a first step towards that goal. Sure it’s 2019 now and I’m only a year late but I turn 30 years old in 2019 so there is no better time than the present to get started.

I’ve been watching a lot of youtube videos on entrepreneurship and I’ve kept reading books throughout 2018. I know that I’m never going to be ready, so I might as well just get started. In true Garyvee fashion, I’m just going to document what I do every day for the next 365 days. My thought is that if I document every day, I’ll build accountability to not only myself, but it will also force me to do something every day. If anything, I document all my failures since I literally have no self confidence. Best case, I finally build something and I finally get to venture out on my own. Given that is the best case, I do have a middle case. . . become a great engineer and get a job at one of my dream tech companies.

So, what have I accomplished today? I started reading Think and Grow Rich. This is a really powerful book and I’m only done with the first two chapters. Next, not much of an accomplishment, but since it is New Year’s, I took my family out to Knott’s Berry Farm. To end the day, I’m currently going through the littleBits blog posts. From all my soul searching I’ve done over the last two years, I know that whatever it is I do with my side hustle, it will be STEM related. I was on Twitter a couple weeks ago and I stumbled on an article about areas in STEM that are missing. I plan to get full inspiration from their blogs and determine the heading that I plan on taking my business on.

Having read The Startup of You, the aforementioned plan is my Plan A. It would be silly to not have a Plan B. In order to prepare for that, and because I have a serious attention problem, I will be deep diving into freecodecamp curriculum and articles. I plan on watching their in depth tutorials and documenting my progress with that respect as well.

Lastly, my Plan Z is to excel at work in case me chasing after my dreams doesn’t pan out. I read Deep Work and plan on applying the principles from that book in all aspects of my life, but I firmly believe that if I focus during the 9 hours I’m at work, I should be achieve great things. This is easier said than done due to the nature of working in an office. Nonetheless, I now own a great pair of noise canceling headphones and have a desire to do great work.

That’s it for now. I’m going to be blogging separately on my progress on Plan A and Plan B. Since I will not be able to talk too much about my progress in Plan Z due to the sensitivity of my work, I’ll blog about micro hustles such as selling/liquidating all the things I have home that I don’t need, projects with my kid, home improvement projects, etc.

Look forward to building an audience and hopefully providing someone with a little nudge of inspiration to finally get started.



Alex Ortiz
Alex Ortiz

Written by Alex Ortiz

I talk about Atlassian tools (Jira, Confluence, Bitbucket). Follow me on other platforms for all your Atlassian needs:

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