27 Part Journey to Starting a Side Hustle — Day Ten
Today is all about creating your origin story. I’ve been trying to get this idea(s) off the ground for many years now so this part shouldn’t be too hard. Here it goes.
I’ve always been interested and Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. My first memory was something like 4th or 5th grade when one of my teachers had a “science” kit that I would stare at every day, but never got to use it. I was fortunate enough to group up with a computer. The generation before me didn’t really have access to one. As I progressed through grade school, I took a class that would teach me how to program. From that moment on, my life has been about technology and its application. All I’m trying to do is to inspire the next generation of problem solvers and thinkers. I’m frustrated by the little effort many of today’s youth put into their futures. They have so many resources available to them, yet don’t go the extra mile to utilize the technology and resources available to them. There has to be a better way to motivate the youth to pick up STEM/STEAM. I’ve tried to motivate those at the high school level and have learned that by that age, they’ve already decided what their priorities in life are. I’ve tried going to middle school and that age is stressful that they can’t focus on their futures just yet. And finally, I’ve tried reaching out at the elementary level. This level, I believe is the key level that children need to be introduced to the technology that I’m trying to build. It is at this point in their lives that they can understand and mold their minds to think like engineers.
My observations from the current services available to this age group is that they are too young and therefore couldn’t possibly comprehend the complexity that is engineering, science, or math. With my service, I’m going to try to change that. I’m going to focus on creating something that entices the younger user and unveils a world of opportunity for them.
My family and I were recently at a mall doing some Black Friday shopping. At the center of the mall, there were a group of people protesting for climate change. My son who is seven had never seen a group of protesters before. While I’m not against protesting, I believe that people should focus on what they can change and take action. My son and I spoke about what was happening and why they were doing it. I reminded him that if he really wants to put a dent in the universe, he needs to create something that can solve the problems. I then explained to him how Elon Musk has built companies around the idea of changing the world for the better. With my service, I want to empower students of all ages to obtain the knowledge and critical thinking skills needed to change the world. I want to expose them to the world of possibilities that are opened up to you the second you pick up a growth mindset. I’ve spent a lot of time over the last few years reading, pondering, and developing what I hope will really have an everlasting impact on the next wave of scientists and engineers.
Well that’s basically my story as to why I’m doing this. As I mentioned the first day when I started this, I’m not too financially worried about my service. I know that if I build something great, people will come and utilize my service. I really want to create something that will open opportunities and change the perspectives of the next generation. I hope you enjoyed reading this and see you tomorrow. This is also the end of the second week of the book. The next section is called prepare for liftoff. I really hope we start building something soon!